Hero Badge NFT

Hero Badge NFT, essential for P&E

Hero Badge NFT is an essential NFT for P&E progress in DICAST GOLD game.

You can play DICAST GOLD without purchasing Hero Badge NFT with the NORMAL SKIN HERO. However, you cannot receive DIA which can be later converted into DICE.

Hero Badge NFT has a fixed daily MAX reward amount, and users can acquire DIA through game participation rewards, victory rewards, event rewards, and additional rarity rewards.

Hero Badge NFT consists of a total of 5 rarities, and the NORMAL, RARE, and SUPER RARE NFT can be purchased from the KLAYDICE STATION or acquired through upgrade. The SPECIAL SUPER RARE and ULTRA RARE rarities cannot be purchased from the KLAYDICE STATION. They can only be obtained through ITEM and collection combinations.

Hero Badge NFT's P&E has a maximum daily battle play for acquiring rewards and durability. Durability can be repaired to restore the Badge Energy. The DIA compensation below is based on fully charge 100% durability of a NFT.

The amount of DIA rewards vary depending on the P&E pool and the number of users.

The total durability of the HERO BADGE NFT in DICAST GOLD is set to 600 battles, regardless of RARITY, and the Badge's energy changes based on the durability section. For each decrease of 30 durability, the Badge's energy decreases, and DIA reward varies according to the Badge's Energy

DIA compensation amount according to durability change

Energy repair costs will be updated later.

In the DICAST GOLD game, HERO BADGE NFT can increase RARITY through upgrades and ITEM combinations, and the amount of DIA acquisition can be upgraded.

Through this upgrade system, users can increase the value of NFT in addition to P&E compensation through secondary transactions of HERO BADGE NFT and obtain additional NFT transaction profits.

Last updated